#!/bin/cat $Id: FAQ.Messages_Too_Big.txt,v 1.3 2019/06/18 16:37:39 gilles Exp gilles $ This document is also available online at https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/ https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Messages_Too_Big.txt ======================================================================= Dealing with too big messages with Imapsync. ======================================================================= Questions answered in this FAQ are: Q. What can I do to transfer messages bigger than what allows the imap destination server? R1. A solution is to truncate the message to the maximum size allowed before copying it to host2. That's a little dirty but it's ok if you prefer having a truncated message than no message at all. The attachments after the truncation won't be available but everything before should be ok. It may also depends on the software tool reading the email message. For example, Gmail currently limits messages to 35651584 bytes (May 2019), Starting with imapsync release 1.938 option --truncmess xxxx truncates messages bigger than the given size xxxx. imapsync --truncmess 35651584 --appendlimit 1000000000000 Prior to imapsync release 1.938, instead of --truncmess: On Linux, use: imapsync ... --pipemess 'perl -0ne "print substr \$_,0,35651584" ' On windows, use: I'm not sure of (not tested yet): imapsync ... --pipemess "perl -0ne 'print substr $_,0,35651584' " R2. A not so dirty solution would be to transform the message and include links to the big attachments, instead of the attachments. Well, not done yet and too much complicted compared to the simple solution which is to allow big messages on the destination account. ======================================================================= =======================================================================